Posts Tagged: green

Leaves backlit at the Botanical Gardens

Taken at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor, Michigan while I was experimenting with some closeup photos. I’m taking the photo with the sun behind it, shining through the greenhouse-type building that I was in.

I chose this one for a Photo Friday challenge with the topic of Patterns. I hard a had time deciding so I actually uploaded two, the next photo has leaf patterns too.

Leaf magnified at the Botanical Gardens

Taken at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens in Ann Arbor, Michigan while I was experimenting with some closeup photos. It almost looks like there is something crawling on top of it. I’m taking the photo sort of from below as the sun is above the greenhouse-type building that I was in.

Barbed wire on the road to Cabuya

Some empty tree land (farm land?) on the road from Montezuma to Cabuya (on the Pacific side of Costa Rica). I was just walking to see what I might find (I was specifically looking for some more waterfalls).

I thought it was extra green around here so I was taking a lot of photos and started playing with the focus a bit.

Big caterpillar on the picnic table

I was hesitant to tag this with insect (isn’t 6 legs the rule?), but I googled it and got “A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or moth. A butterfly is a diurnal insect. So, a caterpillar is a baby insect.”

I think I shot this at one of the parks along Hines Drive or maybe it’s the seat of a bench in front of Hamtramck City Hall (I’d eat lunch outside at the park when I worked in Hamtramck) but it doesn’t look bright enough to be directly outside (even with clouds). I know I shot it in May or June of 2010 but I’m just not sure where I took it…

Very Very Green

20111120-185112.jpgI just really like how the green looked in this photo. Somewhere above Montezuma Upper Falls in Costa Rica.